Email ID Contact 0484 2364011 / 4023738  

Quality Policy

It is the policy of SKY INTERNATIONAL to distinguish itself as the industry leader by providing superior, cost effective quality delivery services to its customers. To achieve this we will

  • Provide our delivery staff with training, tools, skills and motivation to enhance productivity yielding quality service which meet or exceed our customers’ expectations

  • Empower the work force so that everyone is responsible and accountable for achieving the goal of superior quality services

  • Lay emphasis on customer service as the financial and productivity aspect of business

In pursuit of excellence SKY INTERNATIONAL shall strive for achievement of an eco friendly environment and employee satisfaction

Great Express Company

    If you have any Move need,
  simply call our 24 hour
emergency number.

0484 2364011 / 4023738  OR Contact Us

Delivery solutions

Commercial Shipment Requirement Bank Referral Letter

Shipping Declaration Form Single Country Declaration Indemnity Certificate